Assalamu alaikum!
Nama saya Epping. Saya "berprofesi" sebagai koas. Koas itu nama lain dari dokter muda. Harus belajar dan mengabdi di Rumah Sakit selama kurang lebih 2 tahun atau bisa juga selama-lamanya, baru kemudian bisa dipanggil Pak Dokter. Tapi di sini saya tidak akan berbagi apapun tentang dunia medis yang menjemukan itu. Saya lebih senang membahas kegemaran saya, kesenangan saya dan apa-apa saja yang membuat hal-hal itu timbul. Tiap orang punya minat dan hobi masing-masing, kadang kala kegemaran mereka itu bahkan bertolak belakang dengan bidang yang mereka pelajari demi sesuap nasi. Itulah hidup, penuh dengan pilihan, dan orang-orang yang salah memilih.
Begitu juga saya, saya gemar menulis lagu meskipun tidak bisa baca-tulis partitur. Saya juga senang membuat file-file video bercerita yang orang sebut sebagai film indie. Pada dasarnya saya senang dengan segala hal berbau seni, kecuali airnya, tentu saja.
Di blog ini saya menyimpan karya-karya saya dan membaginya kepada Anda di saat bersamaan. Selama ini lagu-lagu saya cuma mengonggokkan diri mereka di dalam komputer. Baru beberapa waktu yang lalu saya mulai berpikir untuk posting lagu-lagu ini ke blog, sebelum komputer saya, rumah mereka, musnah ditelan rayap... So, selamat datang, Teman... Silahkan dengar blogku...

GoArticles Music Category  

GoArticles Music Category

Vocal Buffet Part 2: All You Can Eat? Maybe, But Very So Carefully As Well

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

I hope that you have enjoyed reading the "Vocal Buffett, blog. "Part 1" There, we were talking mainly about the amateur singers who were trying to sing anything and everything under the sun with no ...

Invest Your Musical Interest in Playing a Piano

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Music might invariably be your cup of tea but if you are still confused about which instrument should you invest your musical interest in, the piano can be a good alternative to try out. Many ...

The Popularity of the Nigerian and Ghanaian Music

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Musician! Artist the man who play or singing the some lyrics with the sound it simple definition of the music, but actually the music is the wonderful art for the human being to share the ...

Choose The Best Venue And Invitations For Kids Party Entertainment

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Organizing a birthday party for the little kids might prove to be a daunting task, if it is the first time. Whether you are planning to throw a party at his first birthday or wait ...

Ask Some Pivotal Questions Before Hiring Dj For Wedding

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Now, when weddings are knocking at your door, you have to jot down the major points, which can make it a special occasion, for all. Without proper music, it is hard to entertain your guests, ...

Make Your Vision Sound!

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

3XL Productions is based on providing and manufacturing the highest quality of CD/DVD's since 2003.We offer two types of manufacturing processes: duplication and replication for both CD's and DVD's. We guarantee both methods of manufacturing ...

The Professional Art of Photography by All Experts

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

There are so some little extent professional over completed by new dimensions of art over completed by photography in the market. The time is changing over completed by over time the scale of work is ...

The New Level and Extent of Fun With Photo Booth Rentals

Posted: 04 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

There are so many new things in wait and the photo booth rental services are something which requires enough of encouragement and the studded assumption with the places where any product is being sold or ...

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