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Nama saya Epping. Saya "berprofesi" sebagai koas. Koas itu nama lain dari dokter muda. Harus belajar dan mengabdi di Rumah Sakit selama kurang lebih 2 tahun atau bisa juga selama-lamanya, baru kemudian bisa dipanggil Pak Dokter. Tapi di sini saya tidak akan berbagi apapun tentang dunia medis yang menjemukan itu. Saya lebih senang membahas kegemaran saya, kesenangan saya dan apa-apa saja yang membuat hal-hal itu timbul. Tiap orang punya minat dan hobi masing-masing, kadang kala kegemaran mereka itu bahkan bertolak belakang dengan bidang yang mereka pelajari demi sesuap nasi. Itulah hidup, penuh dengan pilihan, dan orang-orang yang salah memilih.
Begitu juga saya, saya gemar menulis lagu meskipun tidak bisa baca-tulis partitur. Saya juga senang membuat file-file video bercerita yang orang sebut sebagai film indie. Pada dasarnya saya senang dengan segala hal berbau seni, kecuali airnya, tentu saja.
Di blog ini saya menyimpan karya-karya saya dan membaginya kepada Anda di saat bersamaan. Selama ini lagu-lagu saya cuma mengonggokkan diri mereka di dalam komputer. Baru beberapa waktu yang lalu saya mulai berpikir untuk posting lagu-lagu ini ke blog, sebelum komputer saya, rumah mereka, musnah ditelan rayap... So, selamat datang, Teman... Silahkan dengar blogku...

GoArticles Music Category  

GoArticles Music Category

Insights On Realistic Chinese Takeaway Menu Programs

Posted: 01 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Follower's Dining establishment is the very best Chinese Dining establishment in Halifax If you long for fit to be tied rice or Peking Duck Follower's is the very best Chinese Restaurant in Halifax so you ...

7 Reasons You Should Hire A Professional DJ

Posted: 01 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Hello, my name is Ian aka DJ Backspin and I am a Toronto mobile DJ who provides DJ services for private parties, fashion shows and product launch parties Are you organizing a social event and ...

The Beauty With Brains: Cole Phoenix

Posted: 01 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

Taking all of Australia by storm, Cole Phoenix seems too good to be true. Have you ever heard of a dynamic artist, singer-songwriter, actress, scriptwriter, writer, producer and director who also achieved awards for academic ...

Take a Logical Approach to Build Career in the Music Field

Posted: 01 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

To build career in the music field, is a dream of many who have good voice and basic knowledge of the rhythm. However, in this competitive era, it is difficult to rise as a singing ...

Sonu Nigam - The King Of Romance

Posted: 01 Jan 2015 10:00 PM PST

One day when an 18 year old boy from Kolkata decided to come to Mumbai and be a singer, neither he nor the world knew that he was going to be a music maestro with ...

Three Tips to Remember for Productive Keyboard Classes

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

One of the common items in people's bucket lists is "to learn a musical instrument," which usually includes keyboard as a common choice. If you are enthusiastic to learn this musical instrument as part of ...

Piano Tutorial 101: Core Requirements for Teachers

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

Anyone can play the piano once they learned the musical instrument, but not everyone who learned it can teach. Teaching and playing a musical instrument are two different things. Those who want to become piano ...

Five Important Traits to Develop During Your Drum Classes

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

You do not only learn about the technicality of music once you engage in it. There are parts and parcels in playing a musical instrument that come with this subject. For instance, while you are ...

Tips on Managing Drum Classes for Everybody

Posted: 31 Dec 2014 10:00 PM PST

Learning how to play the drums is not limited for people who want to get involved in rock music genre. Anyone who is interested to have fun with music can actually learn to play the ...

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